Caring for the Elderly: How to Prepare for Medical Emergencies With Senior Citizens –

by SeniorCaringService

Health starts slowly declining as people age. Body vitals tend to lose energy and immunity starts to decrease, which makes people become more vulnerable to medical emergencies like high blood pressure and heart attacks. Older citizens need to be adequately equipped for these unfortunate situations. 

If you care for an older person, follow these steps on how to prepare for and respond in an emergency:

1. Prepare an Emergency Contact List

Emergencies come without warning, so staying prepared to tackle them is important. If you have to care for an elderly person, it is essential to draw up a list of numbers that can be contacted in an emergency. These numbers should be personal physicians, immediate family members, etc. This contact list should be written in bold print and posted up in every room.

These details posted in each room can be life saving in case of an emergency, as medical emergencies are time sensitive, and even a few saved seconds can save a life. These numbers, along with the contacts of social security, local ambulances and assistance services, must also be updated when needed.

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<p><strong>2. Keep Medicines Well Stocked</strong></p>
<p>Older people may have many <a href=prescription drugs that need to be taken regularly for their health and body to function normally. These medicines can include tablets for blood pressurediabetes, heart and immunity. Any delay in taking these medicines or missing out on even a single dose sometimes can lead to specific medical emergencies.

Any caretaker hired or a family member taking care of their elderly parent must ensure that these medicines are restocked on time to prevent delays in their intake. Forgetting to take prescribed medication on time or running out of drugs can be dangerous.

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<p><strong>3. Take Out Medical Insurance</strong></p>
<p>With age, the need to attain medical help increases as health tends to decline. It is essential to prepare ahead of time and invest in medical insurance that can help with high medical bills. In addition, the financial health of <a href=the elderly should be assessed, and provisions should be made to pay for expensive medicines, medical checkups and regular testing.

The elderly are more prone to stress, and looking at unexpected high medical bills may be daunting for their mental health and physical health. Many may need to be regularly reassured that they have insurance to deal with emergencies to give them some peace of mind.

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<p><strong>4. Invest in Medical Alert Bracelets</strong></p>
<p>Medical emergencies can happen at any time, and chances are they may occur when the caretaker or a family member is not around. <a href=Medical alert bracelets are one of the most impressive technological tools that are making the lives of many caretakers more stress free. They may help assure the caregivers that if their elderly parent or family member goes through a medical emergency while they are not around, they can get help. These bracelets contain information about their illness, treatment and health condition, and alert first responder personnel of the declining health of the elderly and inform emergency care hospitals about it immediately.

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<p>Medical emergencies are undoubtedly unforeseen circumstances that cannot be avoided, especially in older age. However, the risk of these emergencies can be mitigated through being proactive and following certain precautions to ensure that our loved ones who are elderly are safe, have access to emergency facilities and are cared for at all times. Investing in modern-day technology like medical alert bracelets, planning out health insurance, monitoring intake of prescribed medicines and having an emergency kit and an emergency contact list can <a href=make a difference and save the lives of our loved ones in their old age.

The content on is for informational and entertainment purposes only, and should not be considered medical advice. The information on this site should not be used to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease, and is not a substitute for professional care. Always consult your personal healthcare provider. The opinions or views expressed on do not necessarily represent those of 30Seconds or any of its employees, corporate partners or affiliates.

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